Segulah is a volunteer-led minyan, with volunteers in various roles.
TEAS (an abbreviation for “Toch Emunei Am Segulah” a reference to a line in the Lecha Dodi prayer) is the team that runs Segulah’s day-to-day operations. They also make less complex policy decisions, such as deciding the time and location of our Purim megillah reading. You can email them at [email protected]. The current members are:
Ben Dreyfus
Dan Brandt Lautman
Ethan Merlin
Miriam Quintal
EAS (“Emunei Am Segulah”) is Segulah’s policy decision-making body. The EAS meets once a month to discuss upcoming programming and make major policy decisions. All major policy decisions at Segulah are made by the EAS. The EAS makes decisions by a consensus-oriented process. You can email the EAS at [email protected]. TEAS members are also members of the EAS. The other members of the EAS are:
Rabbi Elizabeth Richman
Erica Raphael
Gabe Kravitz
Gil Landau
Joel Kramer
Coordinators and Teams
Volunteers also participate as coordinators and in teams and are responsible for specific operational areas. These include:
Davening – [email protected]
Abby Kerbel (Leyning coordinator)
Oren Hirsch (Gabbai coordinator)
Ethan Merlin (Davening Coordinator, Liturgical content, Junior Minyan & Childcare)
Ben Dreyfus (Liturgical content)
Rabbi Elizabeth Richman (Liturgical content)
Meals/kiddush/food – [email protected]
Gil Landau
Gideon Bass
Mutual Respect – [email protected]
Segulah is committed to creating an inclusive, volunteer-led community in which relationships are based on mutual respect and are free from harassment, including sexual harassment. Interpersonal interactions at Segulah should be free of unwelcome touching, unwelcome expressions of intimacy, unwelcome topics of conversation, or other unwelcome conduct. If you have a concern, please contact the Mutual Respect volunteers. You may do that in person at any Segulah event or by email. If you contact by email, a volunteer will contact you to discuss your concern.
Chesed – [email protected]
Rabbi Elizabeth Richman
Treasurer – [email protected]
Sharon Light
Website – [email protected]
Oren Hirsch
Dan Brandt Lautman
WhatsApp Moderators – [email protected]
Dan Brandt Lautman
Rabbi Elizabeth Richman
Gabe Kravitz
Jesse Beller
Miriam Quintal
Facebook Moderators – [email protected]
Sharon Light
Ethan Merlin
Elizabeth Richman
Ellie Tiemann
Miriam Quintal
Jesse Beller
Ben Dreyfus
High Holidays – [email protected]
Ethan Merlin (Lead coordinator)
Oren Hirsch (registration)
Ben Dreyfus
In addition to Segulah’s volunteer leadership, Jesse Beller is our part-time Community Coordinator. Jesse’s responsibilities include:
Setup/cleanup coordination
Vendor and rental coordination
Community-wide communication
Community involvement
We encourage the entire Segulah community to take an active role in services and other programming. Our volunteer page lists many ways you can get involved. The EAS also adds new members on an annual basis. If you want to get involved in a particular area, please email the listed addresses above. If you have a question or suggestion and you are not sure where to send it, please contact the TEAS and/or EAS. They will discuss it and get back to you!